During the first weekend of December 2016 our courageous team consisting of a game designer, a writer, a translator and a composer (he was a last minute addition) decided to create a torture chamber sim for a game jam. The theme was “One Room”.
In the absence of a coder and an artist who couldn’t participate in the fun that weekend our options were limited. But that didn’t stop us. What we got in the end was a concise and solemnly grim torture simulator with a random victim generator and almost no interface.
Ludum Dare’s participants braved their tough objective and minimal interface but ultimately all the reviews of the game being “too difficult” we increased the amount of time the players got to work on each victim. Now the game has two difficulty levels — tough and tougher.
Here are some of the first players’ reviews:
As much as we wanted to engrossing with interesting text and elegant mechanics alone, players like women often love with their eyes, so to speak. So our nearest plan is to enhance the game’s interface to wrap our text and mechanics with bright colors and balanced forms.
Wanna learn more about the game and know the Kickstarter launch time in advance? Subscribe to our newsletter.