It’s been a month since our Kicksarter campaign was finished. We thought a lot, we understood a lot and now we’re ready to share some news. Thank you for your patience!
During 35 days of KS campaign we’re risen 30% of required funding. Unfortunately, it’s not enough to start a full scale production and accelerate the game’s release. But it’s still sufficient for understanding that community is interested in the game and it has good potential. We’re thankful for all the backers for their support! It was really helpful for us!
Campaign results:
- We’re gathered lots of valuable feedback via questionnaire (more than 250 were filled by both English and Russian speakers). Based on them we can improve the game a lot in terms of gameplay, plot and engine interaction. This info will be used in further development. A great thanks goes to all of you who took their time to fill the questionnaire!
- The game received a wide press coverage due to popular video game media articles. PCGamer, DTF, RiotPixels, RPGwatch and many others wrote about us. First of all, we’re flattered. Second of all, it helps game’s development: we’re getting interesting propositions and feedback which help improve our game right here and now.
- We’ve got lots of useful contacts within gamers community and game press. We presented our project on DevGamm and received lots of positive feedback.
- We’ve understood how to work with Kickstarter from our own experience. This will help us avoid a large portion of mistakes in case we’ll decide to launch a second campaign. By the way, we can write about our preparations, campaign progress and everything about it in a standalone article if there will be a request from community.
Plans for the nearest future
We took a timeout for June to figure out a development direction. We rested for a bit, composed a business plan and shared it with all the investors and publishers we’re interested in working with. These are mostly contacts we’ve got in touch with during the Kickstarter campaign and DevGamm conference.
Until investment situation clarified we’re focusing on art, plot and changing game’s engine. This means we’ll have less time for updates and we’re sorry that summer posts rate will be much less than during Kickstarter campaign. This is a necessary move so we can focus on the game’s development.
What we’re up to next
First of all, we are switching game’s engine – we’re leaving Fusion in favor of Unity. Some of you may have heard rumors of us using Unreal Engine, but these are not true. Development team will also change slightly. Our main goal is making sure that game’s engine met all requirements for full scale production. Unfortunately, Fusion is not the right choice for now.
Second, our artist Igor is busy creating a town map – illustrated view of the main locations. We’ll cover the game’s art progress more thoroughly in the following posts. Besides that, our designer is working of UI elements counting the ones that were blocked in the demo. As soon as it’s done we’ll proceed with content integration.
Third, as soon as team’s rhythm is back on track we’ll be focusing on the plot development. We’ll have plenty of things to share in this area – with major stuff covered by “spoiler alert!” of course.
In case you want to help us deliver the game sooner – here’s how you can do it.
First: until we’re set with investment we are open for propositions. In case you know someone who could be interested in the game investment wise – you can find all of our contacts in the corresponding section of game’s site.
Second: if you have played the demo, but still haven’t filled the questionnaire – please do! We’re working constantly with players’ feedback and all of your valuable critique and projects perception descriptions are useful for game’s development.
One more thing: now we have a professional psychologist consulting our team and we’re working on getting outside experts’ help as well
This is it for this update. Thank you for staying with us! See you soon!